Now, I reasoned there had to be more to this whole deal...Seriously, think about how much you'd have to prod a poodle into attacking anyone, much less it's owner. OK, I'll grant you there have to be a few out there with the nasty, pretentious attitude of a chihuahua but the odds of the single biggest wimp in the EU buying one of them is statistically beyond rare.
With that in mind, I
*Sounds of muddled arguing*
Jaques Chirac: Mmmmm. J'aime creme brulee...
Sumo the dog: Ahf! Ahf! (French for "Arf! Arf!")
JC: No, Sumo, mon ami! Zees ees mah creme brulee!
Sumo: Grrrrr!
JC: Sumo! Mon dieu! Mah creme brulee! Noooooooo!
Sumo: *nom, nom, nom, nom*
*Tape ends in static...sounds of unknown man quoting Mr. Bean*
Thanks to Ronny's daunting bravery, we've in fact discovered that Sumo, in a clinically depressed state, merely wanted some creme brulee (as any good frenchy would). It seems the only part of Jacqes that was mauled was his pride...
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