
Midterm Elections

I've been seeing a lot about this in the news recently. To be honest, I never cared much for polls - they just don't convey any useful information. How can 1,000 people tell how the other 2,999,000 are thinking?

One major topic on the media's mind lately is the Democrats winning the house. I'm not for a liberal (& some of those are very secular-progressive - like Representative Pelosi) Congress. That being said, I AM for the American people getting what they deserve in government. Right now, neither party is looking out for we the people.

A lot of the problem stems from Republicans becoming more & more liberal, particularly with money. The current incarnation of the party spends almost as much as the Democrats. The reasons we have to vote Republican are 1) So Democrats won't raise our taxes & 2) National Defense - with which the Dems have a terrible record. Unfortunately, these two reasons are a justification to vote against the Democrats rather than for Republicans.

I think this is why we're seeing an apathetic attitude towards the upcoming election. Yes, I do realize midterms do carry less turnout than presidential elections. However, I also understand the performance of the "conservatives" - or rather those who ran on a conservative platform - has been largely underwhelming. That's not going to get large numbers of moderates & right-wingers to the polls.

It's foolish to vote for someone with the intention of just voting against his/her opponent. Sadly, all the Republicans in Congress have provided us is just that - vote against our opponents.

Look, I'm a registered Republican. I'm also a traditionalist & a conservative. Before all that, I am an American. What we're getting right now just isn't what the American people deserve. What we have is all manner of lifetime politicians in office because WE, as a nation, are too lazy & unwilling to hold OUR representatives accountable for their votes.

Yes, I'm an idealist when it comes to a belief that lawmakers are beholden to the people. They serve at our pleasure & spend millions coveting our votes. What more proof of our collective influence does anyone need? Do your country a favor. Go to the Senate and House websites. Do some legwork (it's really not that tough) & peruse their voting record. If you don't like what you see, please let them know.

Lastly, at the top of this site, I have a quote in Latin. Aut viam inveniam aut faciam. It means, "If I can't find a way, I will make one". It's the quintessential American attitude & our success as a nation depends on believing it.


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