
Any Lawmakers Want to Plug That Hole?

In our southern border, that is. I've linked to a story by Fox News discussing a report titled, "A Line in the Sand". It's simply ridiculous that the U.S. government hasn't done anything effective to secure us. This goes for all political affiliations.

The border issue is often called a "political football". I suggest this isn't correct. Football is fun, entertaining to watch & normally has an outcome about 50% of the observers appreciate. No, securing the border is more like a "political hot potato" or even a grenade - no politician wants to be labeled racist by the far-left media. Sorry to say, but I can't respect a politician who buys into border security as an issue centered on racism.

Racism has NOTHING to do with the reason we need a secure border. Take a second to go back & read that if you aren't quite taking it in....
Understand? Good. The ONLY reason any far-left think tank can provide (& I'm darn sure they won't volunteer this information) for wanting an open border is votes. Period. You can talk about how we have so much room in this country, resources, blah, blah, blah; but Republicans won't secure the border because they're afraid, yes afraid, of being called racist & will lose Latin American votes. Meanwhile, Democrats won't secure the border because the vast majority of Latin American immigrants (legal & illegal) will vote on the left side of the aisle. What we get is a political load of crap from both parties & a porous sieve of a "barrier" for all their efforts. Yes, illegal aliens make it across...& so do terrorists.

Of course the other accusation thrown out, particularly for the Minutemen, is the vigilante argument. Accusing someone who wants to secure the border of criminal activity is like wanting to fire a police officer for busting a drug dealer - all the person is doing is upholding the law. If the leftist whackos who are attacking the Minutemen were honest, they'd realize that allowing illegals to run freely across the border is insane. Then again, maybe they do understand this & simply don't care. The "reasoning" isn't the issue, it's that the law is being broken BY ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!


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