
Sarah's Graduating!

Actually, that's not as entirely happy as you might think. My beloved
little sister is moving away to Ames,IA to attend Iowa State University
this fall. Of course, I'm proud she's graduating (just shy of that magical
4.0 - stupid Calculus classes!) & has decided to start college right away.
I'll just miss my imoto when I'm in Hapkido every week.

Fortunately, I'm relieved she's attending classes with her sister, Erin,
who's a sophomore. That'll mean she's got someone looking out for her at
school. Besides, if I were up there she wouldn't have any fun. Any guy who
tries to take advantage of her would be in dire straights, to be sure!
Knowing how college guys are, well, you get the idea why I'm concered.

This will be a big step for her getting out of small-town life & into a
more "worldly" environment. OK, I know it's only 2 hours away & not exactly
"the world" but it's still outside her usual haunts & that counts for

Her graduation party is Saturday, March 26th from noon to 4pm & her
graduation is the next day. Since I work overnights on the weekends (yeah,
how lame is that?), I'm going to be REALLY tired after next weekend with no
sleep. Still, she's my little sister & she's worth the self-imposed bout of
insomnia. :-)


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