

My recommended black belt test went very, very well last night. The test itself lasted about one hour, one long, brutal hour. :-)

Starting off, we did the normal warm-ups, rolling falls & air falls. I thought my 1st one was strong & the 2nd was OK. I kind of psyched myself out (that's the only reason I think anyone ever drops the ball at this level) on the jumping fall over three people but did clear two with no problem.

Moving into techniques, the group of us went over everything (post-testing) & we couldn't find anything I missed. You have no idea how good that feels when you have 160 techniques! The time all my classmates, especially Mr. Reif, spent helping me prepare was apparent throughout the test.

I had a few places where I saw room for improvement - which is true of any test - and still I'm largely satisfied I tested at the expected level.

Defense against kick & punch went well. I "made up" something on the spot & did a sort of rotating tackle on Mr. Reif. I think he was as surprised as I was! It worked & no one got hurt, so I'd call that a win.

After a brief "Circle of Death", we moved into groundfighting. Now, I want to say (as an aside) that Master Rion must've really wanted to test me. That's because he decided I'd groundfight Mr. Reif 1st & Mr. Willfong 2nd. Mind you, Mr. Reif isn't what anyone would call "easy" to groundfight - he's strong, agile & keeps his wits in any situation. However, Mr. Willfong is all these, young & completely lacking in any mercy. ;-) He armbarred me with a triangle body lock in about 25 to 30 seconds. By comparison, I'd call the match with Mr. Reif a draw - with him edging towards an advantage.

What was left of me is best summed up by the last photo...


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