
A brief introduction

Howdy folks. A humble thank you to HapKiDo for the opportunity and responsability to handle his blog in his absence. I hope I can meet everyone's expectations. He has much much more experience doing this.

What I thought I might toss out there to everyone is what I read tonight in American Rifleman, the NRA magazine. Mr. LaPierre pointed out that the 2nd amendment is clearly not intended for the government but for the people who establish that government. For evidence, please check out the state constitutions of the many 50 states.

I won't go into the details of the article now as this post is merely an advance introduction (and teaser ;) ). Let me say though that if there ever comes a time where the government prohibits the possession and ownership of firearms this nation will no longer be free. My wife saw a NH LP last night. Know what it says on there? "Live free or die." Well, if the government takes away your ability to protect your freedoms, you are truly dead.

But hey, you all probably know all this now so I'm preaching to the choir right? If that is the case, let's tune up for a quick rendition of the Yellow Rose of Texas.

I'll see you all next month. HapKiDo, thanks again.


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