
Finally Getting Feeling Back

I "slightly" injured my back on Tuesday night at test. Now, I know that's a surprise considering I was only jumping head-first over three people. It's not the impact that caused the injury...it was the fact the floor decided not to move at the same speed I was.

Well, needless to say my lower left back wasn't feeling at the top of it's game by that point.

I actually had to see the chiropractor the next day. I'm not one to rush to the doctor but in this case, it was warranted. He did his thing, it loosened me up a little & it's getting progressively better.

Which reminds me: If any of you have sore muscles (even if they're not related to body part-attrition) you've GOT to try Icy-Hot Patch (about $6.75 at Target). It did wonders to keep me healing & I can feel I'm well on the road to recovery.


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