
Gee, Why Come To Work At All?

It looks like our poor, ineffective "representatives" are complaining about the horrible working conditions in the halls of Congress. What could have them up-in-arms? Working with unsavory characters? Unrestricted access to government resources? Lobbyist payoffs?


It's the disgusting thought that they'll have to work FIVE DAY WORK WEEKS!!!

Needless to say, I'm mortified by the thought these people - who can vote to raise their own pay, bicker endlessly along party lines instead of representing their districts & generally are a poor use of taxpayer dollars - might actually have to work the same number of days the normal American worker does.

IMO, they should be paid the same amount as the national average wage. This won't affect too many of them since they've inherited (or married into) wealth. Still, we waste over $160,000/year per representative. The majority of that money would be better served in our military. Heck, it'd be better served to cushion seats than given to career politicians with no sense of responsibility.

So, members of Congress, why don't you try sucking up the five-day work week & quit complaining? It might mean you actually get something done for once.

Sure, I'm not counting on it but America is the land where any dream can come true.


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