
Sledding On Ice?

Ah, cowering to the fear of the omnipotent lawsuit! The City of Omaha, NE has banned sledding at two of its popular sledding locales.

I have a few choice words for the council members who bowed to paranoia & took away one of winter's most Rockwellian activities: Get. A. Spine.

Why do government "representatives" as a whole not represent their constituents? I'm certain there's no public outcry for banning the horrible, disfiguring activity of sledding. The fact there might be a lawsuit related to an activity is no reason to ban it.

The fact of the matter is banning an activity based on fear of a lawsuit not only restricts liberties (something liberals have cited, I believe incorrectly, the president as doing), it also encourages money-grubbing, litigious weasels out there to file suit, knowing they'll at the very least have elected representatives fall to the pressure of the courts.

So, city council of Omaha,NE you should collectively apologize for such a short-sighted, foolish action & allow folks to sled at the two lake dams. Have the integrity to properly represent the citizens of your great city. I visit there at least once a year for the annual Hapkido seminar & think everyone should enjoy your city for everything it offers. Sledding included


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