
Release The Hounds!

I'm loving this site! The topics are appropriate for everyone & interesting to peruse. Not only are posts well-organized, but you can also subscribe easily to receive content.

I'll freely admit I've never heard of Ric Ottaiano before but you can believe I'll be a regular to this site - which has a great deal of serious commentary paired with a dash of humor.

Take the time to check it out. You'll be happy you did.


Hapkido said...

Definitely. I think your site has a great layout & the topics are easy to discuss.

Nice to see another Italian conservative! My father & brother are just about the only other ones I know , personally.

Hapkido said...

I know what you mean. Mom is a democrat, but more conservative than you'd admit.

My youngest brother is tough to figure. He's not too involved in political discussion.

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