
Happy New Year

As the year comes to a close, I'd like to thank all of you who read this blog on a (semi-) regular basis. I hope you enjoy reading it almost as I enjoy the writing.

I'd like to say thanks to a few people who helped me get things rolling. I figure now is as good a time as any to give credit where it's due...

Harvey - Thanks for getting me started on this blogging thing. Your help has been invaluable as has your advice on the tupperdor/baggiedor.

Brian - I appreciate the spotlight & the flattering review of my site. Keep up the great work on yours & yes, the excellent commentary!

Scott - Thanks for your input & letting me bounce ideas for posts off your head.

James - Thanks for your comments & START A BLOG ALREADY! You've got a lot to say.

All the students/instructors at CVDA - Without out you guys, I'd have nothing constructive to do nor anything to write about it.

Master Matt Rion - What can I say? You're a great teacher, a mentor & trusted friend. I appreciate you allowing me to be the first black belt promoted at your school. It's an honor I'll treasure my whole life.

I wish all of you out there a happy & prosperous new year. May all of your beer be rich, your friends likewise (so you can mooch if needed) & your blogs witty.


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