
I Can't Help But Find This Disturbing

Some student groups at Yale have decided to do more than simply "celebrate" Roe v. Wade week by promoting abortion (hat tip: Michelle Malkin) , these same groups are holding a seminar - if you really want to call something that appears this twisted a seminar - on how to perform this "simple procedure" - simple, according to Merritt Evans, MED in the Yale Daily News:
“The reason I wanted to include other people is that it is such a simple procedure, but the media attention around it … makes this an emotionally traumatic and a complicated thing,” Evans said. “It’s just to be like, ‘Here is what actually happens, here is what the medical procedure is like, this is what an aborted yolk sac looks like.’ It looks like a piece of cotton."

Sure, let's take the emotional value out of childbirth as well. What are we supposed to be, robotic in our handling of emotional subjects? Is the MED also suggesting that an amputee or survivor of breast cancer shouldn't have an emotional response to a harrowing - to say the very least - ordeal?

We're talking about the complete devaluation of human life by way of a pragmatic, it's-only-a-medical-procedure approach.

Has anyone out there ever lost a loved one, even from natural causes, & thought to himself/herself upon hearing the news, "Hey, it was his/her time. What's for lunch"? This is NOT an attempt at humor. I'm being serious. How much must you be conscience-deficient if you keep that sort of mindset & trivialize the death of anyone?

I'm not here to discuss pro/anti-abortion lobbies. The simple fact is there is an emotional response to any major event in a person's life. These activists at Yale must be sadly detached from society & humanity to fail to understand that in promoting an ideology.


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