
Maybe A Spanking Is In Order

OK, I know a few of you will disagree with me here, but when AirTran kicked a family off a flight because of a tantrum-laden child couldn't be consoled by her parents, I thought it was the right thing to do.

Let's face it, kids are going to be kids but parents must be able to hold their own in the face of something as common as a tantrum. Believe me, there were times when I misbehaved as a child (no, seriously!) & I can tell you that my parents were on-the-ball when it came to discipline. No, they weren't Assyrian in their methods but they did ensure I knew right from wrong.

This couple had 15 minutes to calm the kid down & they obviously had no control over the situation. Heck, the little girl was even hitting her own parents. Try that with my Father & your last moments on earth might be very painful...

Now, I know you're thinking, "Hapkido, they PAID for those tickets"! That's a fair point. So did the other passengers. Should they be forced to endure a two-hour poutfest from a recalcitrant youth? I don't think so.

The airline refunded the parents' money, gave them the opportunity to fly anywhere in the country & handled the situation with the best interests of the passengers in mind. The parents, not happy with the fact they can't discipline their own child, are refusing to fly AirTran ever again.

Sometimes you get lucky. Now I know that AirTran hasn't become AirTantrum, I'll probably be that much more willing to give them a try.


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