
Veterans' Day

Unfortunately, those with courage to guarantee our rights & fight every day so we can enjoy the vast liberty afforded us are taken for granted.

With that in mind, I find this quote particularly appropriate in the face of so many willing to demonize either the military or the chain-of-command. Folks, freedom is not free. It's been fought & paid for more times than any agitator dared picket & protest on a college campus. I truly believe peace can only be obtained through strength & the willingness to demonstrate it. Pacifists want peace at any cost - even liberty.

I'd like to thank every soldier, sailor, Marine & airman who is or has ever served this great nation. Ladies & gentleman, without your daily sacrifice none of us would be able to breathe the freedom we so sweetly are afforded. Thank you all for your noble generosity & know that you are appreciated by this former sailor.

"We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we will always be free".
Ronald Reagan


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