
Christmas Music Already?

104.5, KDAT, here in town started playing Christmas music on November 1st. Hey, I'm all about being in the Christmas spirit...WHEN it's time for Christmas. For me, that's after Thanksgiving.

From November 1st to December 25th we get that self-righteous blowhard Delilah to tell us how flipping wonderful everything is *and* she shoves that down our gullet with a Jingle Bells dessert. Again, life IS good, but experience it, folks. Having some over-the-top radio personality who specializes in getting hyper-sensitive goofs to air their dirty laundry to the world tell you that doesn't do a thing for anyone.

Fortunately, the intelligent (& some holiday-jaded) have prevailed. We've had that silly radio station turned to one with some sense as to what people want to hear. The problem I really have with playing Christmas music so early is that people get sick of it. Christmas is something to be enjoyed in it's season. Starting it up earlier & earlier every year would be like going to the beach in February to kick off summer - you have a snowball's chance in Hades of really enjoying yourself.


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