
Brilliant Gift (or Waaaaa!!! Part 2)

As previously mentioned, my friend, Amy, is departing for Chicago,IL this week (Thursday, I think). Since she won't be around for Christmas, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't read this blog on a regular basis (love her to death, but she's not exactly computer-savvy), I'm going to reveal the brilliant (IMAO) gift I bought her.

Sure, I should keep it a secret, but this one's just too good...

I purchased a Swarovsky silver-crystal butterfly with a gold inlay for the antennae. Oh, it's a great one for a dual Christmas/going away present! You know, the whole butterfly symbolizing a new stage of life & everything. I'm even more darn intelligent than I thought! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

I'm sure she'll love it, as she's always liked those little collectibles you get in stores. I'm not going to mention the cost, since she could actually read this thing one of these years.

OK, enough patting myself on the back. Later...


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