

So, let me get this right - PETA attacks a church for using a live Nativity that DOESN'T involve live animals? Typical. They blindly go after whoever fits the bill. They admit they keep tabs on churches. Really nice of them. I think since it's SOOOOO wrong for the government to wire-tap terrorists to get information, it should be wrong for PETA to track churches. Aren't they spying on innocent churches? Is this a rush to churches? ;-)

Even better, they cite various "tragedies" to justify their cause. Let's break this down, shall we?

1) Stolen & Slaughtered: OK, I guess this may occur in 1 out of every 500,000 Nativities out there. Seriously, how are you going to pack up Humpty the Camel & not have anyone notice you're serving dromedary at Christmas dinner?

2) Escaped. Struck by car: OK, so the animals get scared & run off into the woods/streets/etc. In the possibly more frequent occurrence than #1, how can PETA make this argument? Animal rights whackos freed minks (ELF, I think) from a slaughterhouse just to have them run into traffic & get killed. The rest, all too used to being fed on a schedule, probably couldn't make it on their own. Ironic of animal rights activists to trade one quick death for another. Smooth argument...

3) Raped: How often does this happen to Bo-bo the sheep? Australian jokes aside, I don't think the frequency of this is that high. Why? Because you'd see something this bizarre plastered all over the evening news. I'm not claiming it doesn't happen, just that it must be exceedingly rare. The biggest violation in this case is probably against the truth of the matter.

4) Beaten: Yeah, I could see this one happening. However, "beating" is probably taken (surprise!) liberally by activists. I'm sure there are reported cases where the animals are harassed by kids, teens & such. We're talking teasing, egging, pulling tails, etc. Not nice to be sure but it's about like high school for most people. Are we going to cancel schooling, too? I doubt there are many extreme cases of animals beaten to death. Yes, the perpetrators should be punished for such things.

Overall, the argument made by PETA is that some people can be sick, heartless bastards so we shouldn't have live Nativities. Now, just because someone might show up at a public event with a weapon doesn't mean public events should be banned. In other words - just because someone, possibly, may do something against the law is no reason to punish the group organizing an event.


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