
The Obama Health Care Plan and Bragging Reichs

In a recent multi-national conference Hillary Clinton attended the topic of Universal Health care was brought up.

The Israeli Minister of Health bragged: "Medicine in my country is so advanced, we can take a kidney out of one person, put it into another and have him looking for work in six weeks!"

The German Minister of Health who stood up and said, "Well medicine in my county is so advanced, we can take a lung out of one person and put it into another and have him looking for work on 4 weeks"

The Russian Minister of Health and Social Development got up and said "My country is even more advanced, we can remove half a heart from one person, put it into another and have them both looking for work in just 2 weeks!"

Not to be outdone, the American Secretary of Health and Human Services stood up and addressed the conference, "Well", he said, "My country is so far advanced in medicine, we can take an aaah* uhem Sphincter out of Chicago , put it in the White House, and have half the country looking for work in 24 hours!"

edited for Mrs. Who's kids and any other impressionable readers. ;)
**thanks to Internet friend for the original work


Mrs. Who said...

I don't mind what my kids read as long as it's true!! And this post is!

RonnyEngrish said...

thank you thank you. I see one is set loose blogging now too. Congradulations!

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