
Drug Free

I've been off the meds for a few weeks now & the most noticeable difference is my blood pressure no longer seems to be prohibitively high. While we do have high blood pressure in the family, 164/92 is exceptionally high at 34 (he hypertension has never "kicked in" before 50).

The doctor didn't think it was unusually high given the meds I was on, so the fact I am able to perform at normal levels now tells me exactly what that Dilantin stuff does to you over the course of six months.

The "normal" feeling really came back yesterday in TKD & carried over to the lunch class today. Ms. Watson & I even sparred a bit (no contact) & we each had good exchanges. She's good but doesn't fight dirty like I do. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!


Bob's Blog said...

More power to you!

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