
Meme for Me? Me!

Harvey of Bad Example tagged me on a recent (under 1 year old) meme and, being the obliging blog-groupie that I am, here's the skinny:

1) Post the rules on your blog.
2) Tell 5 random things about yourself.
3) Tag 3 people at the end of your post.
4) Pass on the tag.

5 Random Facts
1) Every time I talk with my parents, I can feel some sense of their disappointment & wish I had made more of my life.

2) The scar on my head (from the surgery) reminds me both of how strong & how fragile we all are.

3) "A Bit of Fry & Laurie" is one of my favorite shows.

4) I've wanted to move to South Carolina for over a year. Now that it's close to that time, I'm scared to death of what my life will be like.

5) I will worry constantly about my screw-ups in some odd hope that worrying will fix the problem when there's nothing I can actively do.

Now the taggees:
1) Mrs. Who of House of Zathras
2) Pam of pamibe
3) Patti of Good Googledy Moogledies


patti said...

Wow, you tagged me. I feel all warm and fuzzy :)

pamibe said...

Me too! Me too! :D

Fry & Laurie rocks; anything those guys do, separately or apart is brilliant.

I used to be scared and excited about impending moves... now I think I'd just be scared... so I hear you.

Mrs. Who said...

I'll get to it...let me get through these last couple of weeks of school!!!!!!!

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