

Artist: Vanessa Carlton
Price: $8.50 (Shipping included)
Purchased at: Amazon

I've already listened to this CD a number of times before buying it (one of the advantages of having Rhapsody). It's much darker than her previous work, "Be Not Nobody", though we're not talking a depressing album.

It's very down-to-earth, which is something I like in my music, & most of the songs have something in them that makes each worth a listen. The track, "Annie", is particularly haunting & is obviously someone very important to the writer.

Overall, I'd recommend this CD for the entrancing piano melodies lacing every song. It's a darker album, which may not ring so well with the "Bubblegum Pop" crowd. I never went for that sort of stuff, anyway. I'd at least give it a listen if you're a fan of strong piano players with a bit of edge in their music.


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