
Cowards, Get Over Yourselves

School officials in West Yorkshire, England have decided to present their own play with a unique interpretation of "The Three Little Pigs".

As you may have guessed, the title & production have been altered by the surrender-monkeys to "The Three Little Puppies". School administrators cited, "fear that some Muslim children wouldn't sing along".

This sort of reflexive cowering in the face of phantom "threats" does nothing to help anyone. No one has suggested this material might be offensive to some groups. Even a Muslim council in England said it took "political correctness" over-the-top. Additionally - if it is offensive - WHO CARES?

People can't live their lives afraid of what every other person may take as offensive. If that were the case the democrat party would have to disband immediately for offending common-sense.

These afraid-to-offend folks remind me of the "better red than dead" crowd during the cold war: Anyone so willing to sacrifice their liberties for the sake of life foolishly prove they can easily be parted from both.


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