
Daylight Savings

Don't forget to move your clocks ahead 1 hour tonight at 2am. That's right, be sure to wake up at about 145am and move all those clocks forward to 245am. Then go back to sleep and sleep in an extra hour. I have heard that this next week will be one of the most dangerous weeks for vehicle drivers as they adjust to the time change, fatigue being the primary culprit in the collision.

I believe the time adjustment goes until the 1st Sunday in November. Quite frankly, I didn't know what to think about the earlier/later changes but I think I'm going to like it. I was told that it is actually being done to help the BBQ grill industry. Maybe. It makes sense.

I hope HapKiDo is having a great time on vacation. He's probably going to be disappointed I didn't write more. I could give some excuses but I hate doing it. Except that Thursday I was getting over something weird. I woke up that morning, trying to get my brain to keep up with my head as I turned to look at stuff. Vertigo is not an enjoyable experience. It sorta went away Friday afternoon.

I'll try to come up with something better to write about tomorrow after church. Religion, as you can tell, is an area of thinking that has a lot of my attention. But I don't intend to be preachy about anything. Maybe I'll tell you all about my aquarium. :)


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