
Re-introducing Woodburning Stoves?

A California Assemblyman wants to ban incandescent light bulbs because of being "incredibly inefficient".

Yeah, never mind that CA has tons of smog, wing nuts in the 9th Circuit court & laws that coddle illegal immigrants - we need to take out those darn light bulbs! They're destroying everything!

Priorities are so far out of whack on this one, I hardly know where to start. First, if our largest problem was related to inefficient light bulbs, let someone build a better one & free-market economy will handle the rest (hence the old adage: "build a better mousetrap...").

Banning the current incarnation of the incandescent bulb only cuts off a supply & hurts businesses as they struggle to deal with the new expense associated with compliance. Of course, legislators with such liberal leanings tend towards "feel good" measures, rather than practical ones.


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