
Back In The Saddle

The first class back (on Wednesday) was excellent. I had actually showed up at the Cedar Rapids location on Tuesday. Don't ask me why. I just assumed there was class that day. Maybe it was eagerness on my part.

Master Rion had me lead TKD & I really pushed them hard. No, I wasn't trying to have anyone drop dead but the adults wanted a workout & I'm confident they got one (Note: If the adults love it & the kids complain, you're doing just right.). I mixed things up a bit & tried some new, and useful, combinations in the basic movements part of class.

One-steps & self-defense were somewhat on the routine side. Then again, I had the majority of class to teach (white & yellow belts worked downstairs with Master Rion) & there's not much time for one 1st degree to tend personally to every student. I'd prefer to have more one-on-one opportunities, like in Hapkido, but that's just not going to happen in a class of forty students.

Hapkido was very nice. The class size was just right - seven students. We need to get some of the lower belts moving up in rank but that's all in due time. My testing should be late February to early March (best guess). I have A LOT to refine in that short period.

Next week we're back on a full schedule. That means I'll probably be doing TKD, HKD, Arnis on Monday; two hours of TKD, HKD on Tuesday; regular Wednesday & Thursday to finish things off. Ah, here's to a hopefully good week!


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