
I'm Not That Kind Of Blog!

A good friend mentioned that a post idea wold be the recent announcement of political candidates throwing their respective hats into the ring for the 2008 Presidential election. I gave that a good, long thought.

And decided I'm probably going to stay out of it until there's a nominee for both parties.

Yes, I enjoy talking politics. Government has always been a fascination of mine, so it only stands to reason that punditry suits me as well.

Still, I want to avoid having a predominately political blog because it tends towards heated arguments, which lead to foul language & hurtful name-calling. It's not that I won't discuss politics - I often do. It's that I want to keep this site fresh & interesting for the people who are generous enough with their time to read what I type. Limiting the discussion to politics just cuts out all the fun I have. :-)


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