
I Told You So (Unfortunately)!

The minimum wage increase pushed by the Democrats as one of their 1st 100 hours objectives unfortunately had the result I predicted.

Remember way back when I mentioned that higher payroll would lead to job cuts? Well, that's exactly what happened.

Some teens in Arizona have been laid-off because of mandatory payroll increases from $5.15/hour to $6.75/hour. Even the Federal Reserve did a study showing for every mandatory ten percent pay increase to minimum wage, there is a corresponding decline of two to three percent employment.

For those of you in la-la land, that means when you tell businesses they must pay more, they also MUST cut jobs to meet their budget.


Someone needs to get that point across to the left side of the aisle.

Far from stimulating the economy or improving incomes across the board, the left-wing agenda once again has caused more harm than good. Intentions always count over results for liberals & this is another tarnished example.


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