
3rd Wheel

Yeah, that pretty well sums me up. Not that I mind being in the company of friends - I very much enjoy it. I do not like being the odd one out when it comes to conversations...

You know, two people get to talking & then two other people get to talking & there I am, left fidgeting with nothing else to do. Really, I H-A-T-E the pity party stuff, but I really am tired of being "that guy".

Yeah, I even got to hear about how one of the other guys there had a "really hard time" meeting women. Oh, gee, I'd have no freaking idea what that's like (rolls eyes)!

Basically, unless there's some divine intervention on the way to get me out of this funk, rut, tradition of dateless nights, I'm really screwed.


Anonymous said...

So... it's been a few months, any 3rd wheel advice to anther 3rd wheel? :p

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