
Wanted Review

Not bad at all.

I'm not a Jolie fan. She's pretty but even that is more related to her full lips than anything else (kinda skinny for my tastes). Still, she does a good job in this twist & turn action flick.

There's plenty of good humor in the right places & just the right amount of over-the-top stunts to prevent eye-roll strain. Lots of flipping cars, good explosions & some good gunfights round things out nicely.

An obligatory plot twist isn't the biggest surprise but it does fit the movie & sets it up for a clean, fun resolution.

Overall, I'd say it's well worth your time (as most Morgan Freeman movies are), especially for the jerks in the film habitually getting their comeuppance in amusing ways!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed it.
I thought some of the stunts were over the top, but well done.
It would be a fascinating world to develop characters and plots in.

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