
Didn't Sign Up For This!

So, my brother calls me yesterday saying his car broke down (bad starter, maybe?) & after a few attempts, still nothing doing with the cranking & starting thing.

He had a friend come out to help him (quick reminder: I can't drive - seizure) & give him a ride home.

Obviously, this can't work as a permanent arrangement since I need a ride to work & he needs to get to work... So, the smart thing, in my mind, is to have him drive my car which needs the registration renewed since I missed that window with all the issues in SC.

Now, my car is a stick which he can't drive. So, I offer to teach him. What does he say? Oh, he can't possibly learn in one day (despite doing well the 1st time we worked on it), so there's no sense in doing all this today.

It's all very frustrating. Sure, I get out - for work & class - but depending on everyone for a ride AND trying to help kill 2 birds with 1 stone (car & ride) with no interest from the other party is just pissing me off. I sure as heck don't like this inconvenience, either. I'd much rather do my own driving, handle my own issues & not have to inconvenience others for assistance. There's just not that much choice on this end of things.

As an aside, comments I've left on some blogs must be reflecting this frustration or a change in attitude. A comment left on Harvey's blog inspired 3 respondents to let me know just how wrong I was & an inside joke on a friend's facebook page (perfectly appropriate) drew the ire of his girlfriend...with an obligatory literal jab back at her, of course.

I'm wondering how much my personality has changed in the eyes of others. Have I become more combative? Less tactful? Has my general word choice changed? It's impossible to tell from a self-perspective.


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