
Not So Frivolous

I'm not normally in favor of lawsuits. In this case, however, I can say it's completely justified.

Congressman Murtha completely stepped over the line in declaring these fine Marines guilty before any evidence was presented towards to assert that accusation. As it turns out, all but one have been exonerated & I'd expect the final Marine will have the charges dismissed as well.

Who has the nerve to declare ANY person serving in our military guilty before evidence is presented? Shouldn't these standard bearers of our great nation be the first to deserve the benefit of the doubt? I would think a former Marine (yes, former - the first time I've heard that applied to any Marine) should be the last one who would presume guilt on serving Marines.

He damn sure owes these men an apology.


Mrs. Who said...

I'm glad the men were tried in a military court...the libs on the outside would have sought the death penalty.

Hapkido said...

Yeah, strange how liberals only want the death penalty for unborn children & accused in the military...

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