
They'll Get It Right Eventually

Another hurricane season looms on the horizon...

Yet another prediction of an "active" season.

I guess if you make the same prediction enough times, it'll eventually be correct. Honestly, if I say it's going to rain tomorrow but I'm wrong, I can always say it'll rain the next day, or the day after that, etc., etc.

Chances are - unless I live in the Sahara Desert - that I'll be right one of those days.

Silly as it sounds, the only thing dumber than the above would be shouting "I told you so!" from the mountaintops after your umpteenth guess was correct. But that's exactly what you're going to see when scientists & the media get it right one of these years.

And you can say I told you so...


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I can't understand why a prediction would make the news.

Weather is completely random (or at least chaotic. Today's weather patterns become completely useless as a predictive tool after about 72 hours.

Anonymous said...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Hapkido said...

I think predictions make the news because they're just like polls: an excuse for the media to talk about their pet subjects.

Hapkido said...

Matt, I'm sure the "experts" would like to be right just once...

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