
Enough With the $!&* Hitler References!!!

Joy Behar on "The View" claimed Time magazine should have used a "Hitler type" & put Donald Rumsfeld on the cover as Man of the Year.

Enough of this inappropriate comparison to Hitler, people! Unless someone can demonstrate that an individual planned to systematically eliminate an entire people from the face of this earth, leave the references to that sick, twisted, perversion of humanity in the grave with him.

Honestly, it seems like every time the far-left doesn't like someone, out comes the Hitler reference. The irony, of course, is that these same relativists would have no stomach to confront & combat that sort of evil.

I can only imagine these same people in World War II times screaming for President FDR's head because "Germany never attacked us" & how we "rushed to war". Evil must be confronted. Period. Europe doesn't have the stomach. The UN is inept & ineffectual. Yes, the majority of our "allies" disagree with our position in the War on Terror. This lack of acquiescence does not mean we're wrong in our course of action.


Anonymous said...

I love your analysis! Though, I believe you said: "Enough of this inappropriate comparison to Hitler, people! Unless someone can demonstrate that an individual planned to systematically eliminate an entire people from the face of this earth, leave the references to that sick, twisted, perversion of humanity in the grave with him."

Any thoughts on this nutcase? ;)

Warmest Regards,
Brian from Snapped Shot

Hapkido said...

I'd agree he meets some of the criteria. Though, Ahmadinejad's disregard for western culture is rooted in an overtly religious belief system. This is more akin to Germany in WW I, not WW II.

Where he comes into "Hitler-esque" territory is 1) denial of the Holocaust & 2) belief that Israel must be wiped off the map. Yes, he encourages genocide but, unlike Hitler, he lacks complete support for his "solution".

Whether this is a result of inefective propaganda or just a lack of support from a laregly divided nation (which I think Iran is), I'm unqualified to say.

Anonymous said...


Once again, you knock my socks off with the brilliant analysis! Your blog is definitely going onto my reading list PRONTO! :)

Most Respectfully,

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